Maize Pre - Harvest Open Day

✉️ ✉️ invitation ✉️ ✉️
We would like to invite you to our Maize Trials Open Day
The open day will be held on Monday September 30th at the Ratheadon Farm, Ratheadon, Leighlinbridge, Co Carlow R93 N8C5, at 11-30am
🌽 For advice on how you can optimise the potential of your crop.
🌽 Gauge how well different Maize varieties perform in local conditions.
🌽 Practical advice on agronomy techniques.
ℹ️ Technical experts will be available to walk farmers around the Maize trails and answer any queries regarding the performance of each Maize variety, as well as providing advice on agronomy techniques to improve yields.
We hope you can make it to this important open day 🌽