OMEX Liquid Fertilisers - Ireland

The case for moving to Liquid Fertiliser for Tillage Crops along with Grass / Forage production.

The choice and option for farmers to use Liquid Fertiliser (Sprayer application), in place of granular products is now a reality.
The question most farmers ask is why would I consider using liquid fertiliser instead of the granular product.

The answer in favour of using Liquid Fertiliser is now compelling!

Field of Winter Barley
Winter Barley
For the Tillage Farmer

For the Tillage Farmer growing a number of different crops, the question centres mainly around the top dressing of crops with Nitrogen / Nitrogen +Sul Fertilisers.  Be it Winter Barley / Wheat / Oats etc or Spring Crops, Barley / Wheat / Oats / Beet / Maize etc. The attention to detail available for farmers using Liquid Fertiliser is really beyond argument here. Accuracy and precision of application along with reliability in terms of plant uptake across a wide range of weather conditions makes using Liquid top dress fertilisers a real option now. Crops like Malting Barley where accuracy and predictability of uptake is vital is a great place to start. The desire and ambition (and Regulation) not to overuse or waste fertiliser is achievable with liquid application. The cost savings on fertiliser is obviously a big consideration as well.

Field of grass

For Grassland

Likewise for grassland application, Liquid Omex Nitroflo 26 +Sul  is now well proven to give excellent results. The 3 different nitrogen sources within giving timed released uptake to ensure maximum utilisation by the plant is now showing that proper use of Liquid fertiliser can help reduce total nitrogen requirement without limiting grass production. Unlike granular product where a percentage is lost going up or down in the soil before what’s left is utilised by the plant. Where liquid which is grabbed by the plant roots immediately on application, thus reducing leaching and volatilisation losses meaning less will give same or more in terms of grass production. This will have far reaching and positive consequences for farmers as we move into an era of maintaining and improving grass production while at the same time managing Nitrogen application and minding the environment.

The above is good reason to consider and try out for yourself using Omex Nitroflo +S liquid fertiliser products.

See page 4 of the Omex Liquid Fertilisers Ireland Brochure available from Jordan Agri for a comprehensive summary of the key benefits along with full details on Liquid Fertiliser.

Phone; Eoin on 086 3844606 or talk to your or talk to your company Rep today.

Tractor applying OMEX liquid fertiliser

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